Irish Art Ep 11 - We go behind the scenes of the RHA with Director Patrick Murphy

In this episode, we talk with the director of the RHA, Patrick Murphy. The Royal Hibernian Academy is an artist-based and artist-oriented institution in Ireland, founded in Dublin in 1823.

We do hereby for us, our heirs and successors give and grant to the said Academicians that they shall and may hold Meetings of themselves for the better improvement and encouragement of the Arts of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Drawing, Engraving and other Arts…” Extract of the Royal Hibernian Academy Charter of 1861

We talk about the current Sean Scully exhibition and how you can visit under the current restrictions. Admission is free and all are welcome, visit for up to date information.

This year will mark the 191st Annual Exhibition, Patrick tells us about its history and community and how the shift to digital has affected the submission process.

We ask how one gets to be a member of the RHA and how to get those RHA & ARHA letters after their names.

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We would very much appreciate any support if you are in the market to please consider us, we have many pieces available so do pop over and have a browse with works from Attracta, Andrew & Sarah Eva Manson


Irish Art Ep 12 - our first interview from across the pond


Irish Art Ep 10