Connections by Andrew Frederick Manson
26 Jan cartoon.
27 Jan. Most light and most Dark As taught by Jan Goulet RHA, in Bray tec c.1976
Jan 29 .establish brightest area. Kilkenny Colourists, would have one keep things clean. Acrylics work like 'Oils' but instead of the old rule for Oils " Work from Dark to Light!" One can do the opposite and work "Light to Dark".
1st Feb. Cover the ground.
Bring more light in the areas of light and more dark in the areas of light.
3rd Feb.
Re-apply cartoon to correct positions and details lost in painting process.
Plan for Darks in distance and darks most to left.
Two layers of individual cobbles painted.
More rule breaking as in watercolour the shadows will go under and then as in oils (Dark to light). The Sunlight over.